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Friday, August 7, 2015 | Karla Spice - Romance Scammer     10:52 AM     No comments

Tuesday, July 21, 2015 | Natalie Sparks - Romance Scammer     4:09 AM     No comments

Fake-Accounts With Stolen Images From Natalie Sparks

is а site reporting on fraud and scammers in financial services and
personal. Providing a daily news service publishes articles contributed
by experts; is widely reported in thе latest compliance requirements,
and offers very broad coverage of thе latest online theft cases, pending
investigations and threats of fraud.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Romance Scammer: Cumisha Jones     3:31 AM     No comments
Romance Scammer: Cumisha Jones: FAKE-ACCOUNTS WITH STOLEN IMAGES FROM Cumisha Jones

 Attention! Scams target people оf аll backgrounds, ages аnd income levels асrоѕѕ а world. Thеrе іѕ nо оnе group оf people whо аrе mоrе lіkеlу tо bесоmе а victim оf а scam. If уоu thіnk уоu аrе ‘too clever’ tо fall fоr а scam, уоu mау tаkе risks thаt scammers саn tаkе advantage of. Scams succeed bесаuѕе оf twо things. Firstly, a scam lооkѕ lіkе thе real thing. It appears tо meet уоur nееd оr desire. Tо find оut thаt іt іѕ іn fact а scam, уоu muѕ...

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Some guidelines for Website Design     1:31 AM     No comments
Website Design Tips

You have a great product. You also have a great company image and marketing model. Now it is time to implement all your plans and bring together a website. You know very little about websites. Finding websites that have failed is easier than shooting fish in a barrel. Many people come into the internet business with the notion that if they are on the web, they are guaranteed to make money. Not so. The internet market is flooded these days, and in order to get noticed, there is a way to do things.

So, your first idea for a website is one with lots of things that move, flash, talk, or whatever. Most people think this is the best way to draw attention to their website. It draws attention, but if no one knows what your company is, they won’t find the website this way. It also can be a little annoying to visitors. Websites must be picked up by the search engines in order for people to start finding them. However, search engines do not like all those elements because in the search engines view it is the equivalent of a novel, when all they are looking for is a one page report. Granted, once you are a large established business like a television network or a shopping corporation, people will come to your site no matter what, and search engines lessen the penalty for using lots of heavy files.

Now you think you want the easy way out and want to go with a template website. Templates are a cheap and quick way to get a website live on the internet. There are different types of templates, but the ones you want to stay away from are those which are nothing but images. These websites are created in a photo editor so that all the components of the site like buttons, information, and descriptions are all just pictures of text, and not actual text. Search engines use programs that review your website to read what it’s all about. If all they see are image files, it doesn’t really tell them anything about the website. You also run into the same problem of presenting a book rather than a piece of paper. Images are large files, while pure text is not. It is in fact quite small in comparison.

So you realize you are going to have to put some work into the site to have it look how you want, and also be functional for search engines looking at it. Text is very important. All your buttons should be text. All your descriptions and company information should be text. Choose a layout that is easy to navigate with menus to locate all pages within the site. Also important is a site map. A site map will help you keep your site organized and it will help the search engines when they come to visit your site.

Choose a search engine optimization company that will help review your site. They can pick out things you may not notice. For example, design editors can help clean up html code and find any spelling errors. They can also help you choose the best web site design elements that will make your site look how you want, and also make it search engine friendly.

Website Design Tips     1:29 AM     1 comment

Website Design Tips
When first starting out to create a website, especially if you are a beginner You can create your own web pages using a editor like Microsoft's Front Page.With this software, you can write your web page like you would any document and then drag and drop images easily. Some practice may be needed, by buying some templates, you can cerate a professional website for free or by using some of the free templates found on the Internet. Mainly in order for you to successfully present your ideas you have to create an effective layout design in an interesting manner whatever your topic may be.

Application of graphic designs
Easy and quick navigation
Choosing colour

Layout format - this will serve as your guide for a good design. Primarily this context must encompass a clear and well organized content that will make everybody understand and appreciate. A simple design, layout makes it easier for you to build your website. The end result will be a website which your visitors will find easy to navigate and easy get whatever information they want.

Application of graphic designs - you must be careful in choosing for the appropriate design that will best represent your projects.

Easy and quick navigation -Always see to it that you are able to include a link that will bring them back to the main page. create a navigation structure that is common for all the pages in your Web.Keep the use of hyperlinks inside your text paragraphs to a minimum. Don't use hyperlinks inside text paragraphs to send your visitors to every random page of your Web. If you must use hyperlinks, add them to the bottom of a paragraph or to the navigation menus of your site. A key aspect to making your visitors happy is insuring they go where they need to go, quickly and efficiently. Good navigation design comes from experience, and should be one of the most important aspects of your website design project.

Logo - Create a simple logo to identity your website. Have a captivating tag line somewhere with the header, and write an About Us page which describes the uniqueness of your website. These will leave an impression for your visitors to remember your website.

Choosing colour- Have a clear color scheme based on the theme of your website. Choose carefully a set of colors you use for your background, text, border, tables and cells etc.The color scheme expresses the characters of your website and makes it unique and attractive.

one of the most important aspects you need to keep in mind at all times when choosing a website design firm or designing the website yourself. It is very important to remember that most of your visitors haven’t spoken to you yet and your site will be the first impression they have of your company. If your website design lacks professionalism and/or does not reflect that of a well established company, your new prospect can easily loose confidence.

Try and avoid run of the mill things like page counters, java text scrolling, flashing images, GIF images, signs which say “we are not ready.” Or, too many illustrations or animations, black grounds or fade ins.

2. Create a design which coveys in a stylish way what it has to. Instead of using downloaded illustrations use original ones.

3. Avoid things like heavy files or graphics. These will slow down your pages. GIF is better than JPEG files.

4. Think of the target audience and subject being addressed when designing. The overall effect should be that of exclusivity.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Loyal Customers on its Way to Extinction     2:43 AM     No comments

How do you keep visitors loyal to your site? That is the question. 

The answer?

Reward them so they will keep on coming back.

Customers have the tendency to readily sign up for anything being offered to them when they know that they are getting something for it. And chances are, when they see that you deliver what you promised, they would gladly come back for more to see what you have to offer the next time around.

Example of prizes are discount coupons, sweepstakes entry, free trial, etc. This way, they will be more inclined to register and turn over their personal information to you.

You can also give them free samples of what your site offers. The more you reward these people, the more familiar they will be with your service or product. This will result in better responses. Maybe they can even give out recommendations for new customers.

But before you can attain this level of marketing and reaching customers, you first have to make your site work. Since your site will be your initial marketing material, you need to make sure that your message will get through to them.

Here are some of the kinds of messages you need and need not use on your site.

Make them short and convincing. Do not include detailed product descriptions, information or long and winding stories about you and the company.

Make use of short titles and bulleted points or emphasis. Using these, your customers will be able to take in important information in a glance. You may want to put up a summary at the top and link it to the information you want read. Help your readers access quickly what interests them and what they want to know.

Be sure to set up a way for customers to effortlessly update their information or unsubscribe.
Check your site from time to time to make sure that all your information is up to date. Nothing can make visitors run away fast than a site with outdated information.

Do not spam. Avoid this at all cost.

Be different. Try to include some point of difference, attitude or special service that makes you different from all the others.

Lastly, support your promotion. Do not just sit back after you have sent out your promotion. Try following up. The best time should be the earliest time possible.

So do you know how to get more loyal customers?

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Site Builders - How Good Are They?     4:26 PM     No comments

Microsoft vs Adobe

There are a wide range of opinions out there as to how good site builders really are. Some are of the opinion that they are great and that, when properly used, completely mitigate the need for a professional website designer. Some people think they are okay, but if you want something really top of the line, you need to go to a web design professional. Still others think that site builders are not good at all and are only fit for the rank amateur or a person who is unwilling or unable to put any effort into making an interesting site. The truth of the matter is that there are some very good site builders in the market, but the fact remains that a web design professional is the best bet for a truly professional site.

With that being said, site builders have gotten substantially better in the last few years. If you haven't looked at a site builder in a while, it may be time to revisit that option. It used to be the case that site builders basically only let you pick the background color, your text color and would maybe allow you to choose from some pre-loaded graphics and pictures. Today your options are nearly limitless. With such established names as Adobe and Microsoft getting in on do-it-yourself web pages, other site-builders have had to up the ante in order to remain competitive. These days you can create your own pictures and graphics to include in your website, choose for yourself how it is laid out, the color scheme, and many other personalized options. Indeed, in many cases, a person cannot tell the difference between a professionally designed site and one that was created using the help of a site builder.

The better site builders require that you put a substantial amount of energy into your project to have it fully customized to your liking. Furthermore, some of the better ones, like Adobe, are rather expensive, up to $200 US. However, the end result is a fantastic looking website and the builder guides you through every step of the process. Even still, you may want to consider investing in a book on website design for some ideas and conventions for figuring out what elements to include and where to include them, as well as tips for the color scheme and the overall design of your website.

Of course, you can still use a site builder on the cheap; one even comes free with some blogging sites or when you sign up for website hosting. These site builders won't have the high level of customization, but you can make a fairly attractive, if cookie-cutter, website using them. Even the low cost site builders typically allow you to include custom pictures and other graphics. These low or no-cost sites are designed for people with little to no experience in website building, and are thus very user-friendly. However, this ease of use usually requires that you sacrifice many options for customization.

For those people who want to give their websites a more professional and polished look, it is probably still best to go with a professional web designer. However, if finances prohibit that, a top-quality site builder may be a good alternative. If you are just looking for some personal web pages, posting family pictures or what-not, then a regular free or low-cost site builder will probably do the trick for you.

Site builders certainly are not what they used to be. They have come a long way since the early days of the Internet, with even low or no-cost site builders being a viable option for many people. Site-builders are a great option if your site or finances don't warrant a professional.


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